Home of the good bacteria

Welcome to the home of good bacteria.

Kefir and yogurt are among the the healthiest food on earth. With the help of the good guys, the live bacteria aka live active culture, anyone can take a small step at attaining good health. However, this is only so when the product you choose says "live bacteria, or active culture, or live culture". Our products have live culture thus you get the full benefits from yogurt. Not only that, we use natural ingredients for most of our products - brown sugar, fresh fruit, farm fresh milk, natural sugar replacement(stevia), and organic eggs to name a few.

Just because it is healthy does not mean it is boring. At Yoggie's, we make sure that you get to love being healthy and say "it's so yummy!" all the way home.

But don't just take our word for it, take a look at some of our products:

Yogurt and its Benefits

Yoghurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Fermentation of lactose produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yoghurt its texture and its characteristic tang. Dairy yoghurt is produced using a culture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus bacteria. The milk is heated to about 80 °C to kill any undesirable bacteria and to change the milk proteins so that they set together rather than form curds. It is then cooled to about 45 °C. The bacteria culture is added, and this temperature is maintained for 4 to 7 hours for fermentation. Soy yoghurt, a non-dairy yoghurt alternative, is made from soy milk.

People have been making and eating yogurt for at least 5,400 years. Today, it is a common food item throughout the world. A nutritious food with unique health benefits, it is rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

copied from Wikipedia
We hate to be bias so we'd like to refer you to those who really know better.

What's tasty, easy, and has lots of health benefits? Yogurt!
By Elaine Magee, MPH, RD
WebMD Weight Loss Clinic-Feature
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

“…Benefit No. 1: Yogurt May Help Prevent Osteoporosis

  ''Adequate nutrition plays a major role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and the micronutrients of greatest importance are calcium and vitamin D,'' says Jeri Nieves, PhD, MS, director of bone density testing at New York’s Helen Hayes Hospital.
  Calcium has been shown to have beneficial effects on bone mass in people of all ages, although the results are not always consistent, says Nieves, also an assistant professor of clinical epidemiology at Columbia University.
  ''The combination of calcium and vitamin D has a clear skeletal benefit, provided the dose of vitamin D is sufficiently high,'' she adds.
  And what qualifies as ''sufficiently high?''
  Currently, 400 IU per day is considered an adequate intake of vitamin D for people ages 51-70, Nieves says. (Look for the Daily Value amount listed on food labels.) But more may be better.
  ''This amount is likely to be sufficient for most young adults for skeletal health, although many would argue that for overall health, more than the 400 IU may be required, even at these younger ages,'' Nieves said in an email interview.
  Nieves believes that older people specifically can benefit from more vitamin D. 
  Many dairy products, including some yogurts, are made with added vitamin D. Find out which brands have added vitamin D by checking out the table below, and by reading labels when you shop.

Benefit No. 2: Yogurt May Reduce the Risk of High Blood Pressure

  A recent study, which followed more than 5,000 Spanish university graduates for about two years, found a link between dairy intake and risk of high blood pressure.
  ''We observed a 50% reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure among people eating 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy a day (or more), compared with those without any intake,'' Alvaro Alonso, MD, PhD, a researcher in the department of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, said in an email interview.
  Although most of the low-fat dairy consumed by the study subjects was as milk, Alvaro believes low-fat yogurt would likely have the same effect.

Benefit No. 3: Yogurt With Active Cultures Helps the Gut

  Yogurt with active cultures may help certain gastrointestinal conditions, including:
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Colon cancer
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • H. pylori infection
  That's what researchers from the Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University concluded in a recent review article.
  The benefits are thought to be due to:
  • Changes in the microflora of      the gut
  • The time food takes to go      through the bowel
  • Enhancement of the body's      immune system
  A recent Taiwanese study looked at the effects of yogurt containing lactobacillus and bifidobacterium on 138 people with persistent H. pylori infections.
  The researchers found that the yogurt improved the efficacy of four-drug therapy.
  H. pylori is a type of bacteria that can cause infection in the stomach and upper part of the small intestine. It can lead to ulcers and can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Benefit No. 4: Yogurt With Active Cultures May Discourage Vaginal Infections

  Candida or "yeast" vaginal infections are a common problem for women with diabetes. In a small study, seven diabetic women with chronic Candidal vaginitis consumed 6 ounces of frozen aspartame-sweetened yogurt per day (with or without active cultures).
  Even though most of the women had poor blood sugar control throughout the study, the vaginal pH (measure of acidity or basicity) of the group eating yogurt with active cultures dropped from 6.0 to 4.0 (normal pH is 4.0-4.5). These women also reported a decrease in Candida infections. The women eating the yogurt without active cultures remained at pH 6.0.

Benefit No. 5: Yogurt May Help You Feel Fuller

  A study from the University of Washington in Seattle tested hunger, fullness, and calories eaten at the next meal on 16 men and 16 women who had a 200-calorie snack. The snack was either:
  • Semisolid yogurt containing      pieces of peach and eaten with a spoon
  • The same yogurt in drinkable      form
  • A peach-flavored dairy      beverage
  • Peach juice
  Although those who had the yogurt snacks did not eat fewer calories at the next meal, both types of yogurt resulted in lower hunger ratings and higher fullness ratings than either of the other snacks.”
Benefits of Yogurt copied from Webmd.com

Here's more:
  1.     Yogurt is easier to digest than milk.  Many people who  cannot  tolerate milk, either because of a protein allergy or lactose  intolerance, can enjoy yogurt.  The culturing process makes  yogurt  more digestible than milk.  The live active cultures create lactase, the  enzyme  lactose-intolerant people lack, and another enzyme contained in some  yogurts  (beta-galactosidase) also helps improve lactose absorption in  lactase-deficient  persons.  Bacterial enzymes created by the culturing process, partially  digest  the milk protein casein, making it easier to absorb and less allergenic.  In our  pediatric practice, we have observed that children who cannot tolerate  milk can  often eat yogurt without any intestinal upset. While the amount varies  among  brands of yogurt, in general, yogurt has less lactose than milk. The  culturing  process has already broken down the milk sugar lactose into glucose and  galactose, two sugars that are easily absorbed by lactose-intolerant  persons.        
2.      Yogurt contributes to colon health.   There's a  medical  truism  that states: "You're only as healthy as your colon." When eating yogurt,  you  care for your colon in two ways. First, yogurt contains lactobacteria,  intestines-friendly bacterial cultures that foster a healthy colon, and  even  lower the risk of colon cancer.  Lactobacteria, especially acidophilus,  promotes  the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon and reduces the conversion  of bile  into carcinogenic bile acids. The more of these intestines-friendly  bacteria  that are present in your colon, the lower the chance of colon diseases.  Basically, the friendly bacteria in yogurt seems to deactivate harmful  substances (such as nitrates and nitrites before they are converted to  nitrosamines) before they can become carcinogenic.       
Secondly, yogurt is a rich source of calcium - a mineral that  contributes to  colon health and decreases the risk of colon cancer.   Calcium  discourages  excess growth of the cells lining the colon, which can place a person at  high  risk for colon cancer.    Calcium also  binds  cancer-producing bile acids and keeps them from irritating the colon  wall.  People that have diets high in calcium (e.g. Scandinavian countries)   have lower  rates of colorectal cancer.  One study showed that an average intake of  1,200  milligrams of calcium a day is associated with a 75 percent reduction of   colorectal cancer.  As a survivor of colon cancer, I have a critical  interest in  the care of my colon.  My life depends on it.   
3.     Yogurt improves the bioavailability of other nutrients.    Culturing of yogurt increases the absorption of calcium and B-vitamins.   The  lactic acid in the yogurt aids in the digestion of the milk calcium,  making it  easier to absorb. 
4.     Yogurt can boost immunity.     Researchers who studied 68 people who ate two cups of live-culture  yogurt daily  for three months found that these persons produced higher levels of  immunity  boosting interferon.  The bacterial cultures in yogurt have also been  shown to  stimulate infection-fighting white cells in the bloodstream.  Some  studies have  shown yogurt cultures to contain a factor that has anti-tumor effects in   experimental animals. 

NUTRITIP: Yogurt - Good for Young and Old
Yogurt is a valuable health food for both infants and elderly  persons.  For  children, it is a balanced source of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and  minerals  in a texture that kids love.  For senior citizens, who usually have more   sensitive colons or whose intestines have run out of lactase, yogurt is  also a  valuable food.  Elderly intestines showed declining levels of bifidus  bacteria,  which allow the growth of toxin-producing and, perhaps, cancer-causing  bacteria.
  5.     Yogurt aids healing after intestinal infections.  Some viral and allergic  gastrointestinal disorders injure the lining of the intestines,  especially the  cells that produce lactase.  This results in temporary lactose  malabsorption  problems. This is why children often cannot tolerate milk for a month or  two  after an intestinal infection.  Yogurt, however, because it contains  less  lactose and more lactase, is usually well-tolerated by healing  intestines and is  a popular "healing food" for diarrhea.  Many pediatricians recommend  yogurt for  children suffering from various forms of indigestion.  Research shows  that  children recover faster from diarrhea when eating yogurt.  It's good to  eat  yogurt while taking antibiotics.  The yogurt will minimize the effects  of the  antibiotic on the friendly bacteria in the intestines. 

NUTRITIP: A Chaser for Antibiotics
Antibiotics kill not only harmful bacteria; they also kill the  healthy ones  in the intestines.  The live bacterial cultures in yogurt can help  replenish the  intestines with helpful bacteria before the harmful ones take over.  I  usually  "prescribe" a daily dose of yogurt while a person is taking antibiotics  and for  two weeks thereafter.
    A 1999 study reported in Pediatrics showed that lactobacillus  organisms can  reduce antibiotic-associated diarrhea. 
6.     Yogurt can decrease yeast infections.    Research has shown that eating eight ounces of yogurt that contains live  and  active cultures daily reduces the amount of yeast colonies in the vagina  and  decreases the incidence of vaginal yeast infections.  
7.     Yogurt is a rich source of calcium.  An 8-ounce  serving of most  yogurts provides 450 mg. of calcium, one-half of a child's RDA and 30 to  40  percent of the adult RDA for calcium. Because the live-active cultures  in yogurt  increase the absorption of calcium, an 8-ounce serving of yogurt gets  more  calcium into the body than the same volume of milk can.   
8.     Yogurt is an excellent source of protein.  Plain  yogurt contains  around ten to fourteen grams of protein per eight ounces, which amounts  to  twenty percent of the daily protein requirement for most persons.  In  fact,  eight ounces of yogurt that contains live and active cultures, contains  20  percent more protein than the same volume of milk (10 grams versus 8  grams).   Besides being a rich source of proteins, the culturing of the milk  proteins  during fermentation makes these proteins easier to digest.  For this  reason, the  proteins in yogurt are often called "predigested." 
9.     Yogurt can lower cholesterol.  There are a few studies  that have  shown that yogurt can reduce the blood cholesterol.  This may be because  the  live cultures in yogurt can assimilate the cholesterol or because yogurt  binds  bile acids, (which has also been shown to lower cholesterol), or both. 
10.     Yogurt is a "grow food."  Two nutritional properties  of yogurt  may help children with intestinal absorption problems grow: the easier  digestibility of the proteins and the fact that the lactic acid in  yogurt  increases the absorption of minerals.  And even most picky-eaters will  eat  yogurt in dips and smoothies and as a topping. 
Perhaps we can take a health tip about yogurt cultures from  cultures who  consume a lot of yogurt, such as the Bulgarians who are noted for their  longer  lifespan and remain in good health well into old age. 
NUTRMYTH: All foods made with yogurt are created equal
Not so.  In fact, the yogurt used to coat nibble foods such as  raisins, nuts,  and fruit bits is often so highly sugared that you're really eating more  sugar  than yogurt.
copied from Askdrsears.com

Get fresh yogurt from:
Yoggie’s Yogurt Station
(home of the good bacteria)
3/F food court St. Francis Square Mall
Julia Vargas St., Mandaluyong City
Tel. 0918-9202592

Contact Us

Mobile Phone: +63 (918) 9202592

email: yoggiestation@gmail.com

website: http://yogurtstation.blogspot.com